Weather and crop conditions in Ukraine
Transition of average daily air temperatures over the threshold of below +5 degrees Celsius and stop of active vegetation of winter crops took place in Ukraine on November 15-21, which is 3 to 15 days earlier than many year average term, Ukrainian Centre for Hydro-Meteorology (weather centre) has informed.
On the last ten days of November the weather in Ukraine was colder than usual. But thanks to a sufficient snow cover which had developed before the temperature drop and increased itself later on, there were no threat to the crops in the areas, where the frosts were reaching 16 to 21 degrees Celsius.
Minimal soil temperature at the stooling node depth of winter crops and perennial grasses was dropping to minus 1 to 6 degrees, in Kharkov, Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk Oblasts - to minus 9 to 10.
The specialists of weather centre said that the calculated critical temperature of freezing-out of medium frost-resistance winter wheat in the stooling phase as of the end of November was minus 14.5 to 18 degrees; of frost-resistant varieties - minus 19 to 21.