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January 13 2005, 18:39 APK-Inform

Ukrainian grain traders want to be included in commission for licensing of fumigation services

Ukrainian grain traders want to participate in work of the commission for issuance of licences for rendering the fumigation services, General Director and Vice President of Ukrainian Grain Association (UZA) Volodymyr Klimenko said on January 13 at the meeting in Ukraine's Chief State Inspectorate for Quarantine of Plants.

"We, the basic users of these services, would like that the UZA President Mykola Kompanets, or another person we choose, should be able to take part in the work of the licence commission", Klimenko said.

Besides, the traders think that additional requirements should be set to the companies, which want to render disinfection services. They think it would enable to optimise activities of these companies and to improve the quality of services.

"The requirements of the recipient countries are toughening day by day, especially in Europe. This concerns both the quality of services and the technologies", said Ivan Miroshnichenko, Vice President of the Ukrainian affiliate of Cargill.

Speaking at the meeting, Klimenko proposed to the companies, providing fumigation services, to create a special division within Ukrainian grain association.

Fumigation services in Ukraine used to be a monopoly of state. However, since January 1, 2005 the disinfection services of relative materials and objects have become a subject of licensing.

According to the Quarantine Inspectorate, in 2004 in Ukraine there were 8.5 million tonnes of the products subject to quarantine, which were disinfected. Of this amount the majority share (8.2 million tonnes) was that of the grain, destined for export sales.

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