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March 10 2005, 09:35 Interfax-Ukraine

About 10% of winter grains are expected to be re-sown in Ukraine - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

According to the preliminary data of AP Ministry, during the current year about 10% of winter grains in Ukraine are expected to be replanting because of unfavourable weather.

"The current weather is unfavourable for plant wintering. There was already some worming, in the South regions vegetation began and than cool temperatures returned. That is plants became weak, so, according to the scientists, about 10% of winter grains are expected to be re-sawn", - Aleksander Baranovskiy, the AP Ministry of Ukraine, said in his interview in the TV programme Business World (Delovoy Myr).

At the same time he admitted that there are enough quality seeds in Ukraine for replanting.

Besides, A.Baranovskiy said that there are no problems with fruit trees and vineyards wintering.

According to the State Statistics Committee, 7.62 mln. hectares of winter plants for grain and green feed stuff (without rapeseed) were planted in 2004 in Ukraine, i.e. 8% up from 2003. Last year planting area for winter grains for seed totaled 7.46 mln. ha versus 6.85 mln. ha in 2003.

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