First parties of early ("young") cabbage appeared on Ukrainian market
This year the first parties of early cabbage have come to market three weeks earlier comparing to the previous year. According to information provided by Dmitriy Chernyak, Market Information specialist of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project, this week the early cabbage produced by Nikolaev greenhouse complex has start to be supplied on USD $ 2.8/kg.
The average weigh of one cabbage produced in Ukraine was of about 1 kilo; the early cabbage of Turkish production came to market too, though smaller in size, this commodity is sold on the same price.
Taking into account that the supply of late white cabbage is insufficient on market now, and prices are relatively high, the success for early cabbage on market is practically guaranteed. In the next two weeks we are expecting the significant price decrease on early cabbage; it may also lead to demand decrease on past season cabbage