On Ukrainian market the excessive apple supply is observed
According to the information provided by the Price Monitoring Specialists, apple supply is still very great on the Ukrainian wholesale markets. The first sets of early vegetables and berries start to be supplied on market; in these conditions the demand on apples is decreasing a little, so it does not let the sellers hope for the significant price growth.
Such situation is only increasing the pressure on prices; those who still have apples in the storages are trying to sell them as fast as possible on purpose not to bear the additional storage expenses.
At the present moment, according to the data of Agricultural Marketing Project, on the wholesale markets the high quality apples are sold on USD $ 0.99-1.98/kg; the medium quality apples cost not more than USD $ 0.79-0.99/kg. The medium quality apples can also be purchased from the producers on USD $ 0.49-0.59/kg.