There is no red cabbage on Kyiv wholesale market
According to the information provided by Alexander Skrebets, the Price Monitoring Specialist, Agricultural Marketing Project, there is no red cabbage on the wholesale market "Farmer" (Kyiv) better known as "Troyeshchina"; he also mentioned there were several potential buyers of this commodity on market.
Past week red cabbage was steadily supplied in the wholesale parties on USD $ 0.63-0.73/kg on the wholesale market in Kyiv.
We'd also mention the ongoing price decrease on early white cabbage; today this commodity can be purchased on USD $ 1.78/kg, still the major supplies were offered on USD $ 1.98/kg. There were relatively few supplies of the past season white cabbage, still this commodity met the respective demand; the average price was about USD $ 0.65/kg.
By the way, early white cabbage can be purchased in Lviv on USD $ 1.08-1.38/kg, and prices in Zakarpattya are even lower.