Pig herd in March revived slightly
According to State Statistics Committee, as of April 1, 2005 the number of pigs, kept by all categories of Ukrainian pig breeders, was 6.551 million heads, 1.5 percent up from the number registered as of March 1 this year. In agricultural enterprises the number of pigs increased 2 percent on a month - to 2.228 million heads. In the private rural households the number of pigs as of April 1 reached 4.324 million heads, increasing 1.3 percent on a month.
However, total pig herd as of April 1 dropped 4.5 percent from the same date of 2004. The number of pigs, kept in private households, dropped 10 percent on year. Agricultural enterprises, on the other hand, increased the size of their herd by 8.5 percent from last year.