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May 10 2005, 09:52 Interfax-Ukraine

EBRD might prolong crediting Alfred C. Toepfer Int. till June 2008

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will consider a possibility of prolonging its credit, granted to Alfred C. Toepfer International for business expansion on Ukrainian agrarian market, until June 2008.

The bank's spokesman has said that the amount of financing can be reduced from $120 million to $100 million with a simultaneous increase in coverage of the total project cost up to 62.5 percent.

The investment project was approved by the bank's Board in 2002. The whole worth of project was $200 million, $80 million of which were granted to the company in 2002. Last year in May EBRD increased the size of financing up to $120 million.

The EBRD spokesman said Toepfer was going to use the loan for expansion of agricultural products exports from Ukraine.

Alfred C. Toepfer International (Ukraine) is an affiliate of Alfred C. Toepfer International Group, which specialises in trading of agricultural raw materials. The company is one of the largest exporters of Ukrainian agricultural products.

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