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May 16 2005, 14:46 Agrarian Marketing Project

The onion production lands have been extended in Odesa oblast

The prognosis concerning the further extension of onion production lands in 2005 goes on confirming. The specialists of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project are recording the significant acreage increase of onion production lands in the southern rayons of the oblast. According to the evaluations done by the Project experts, the acreage growth may constitute 10-15%, and the acreage of onion production lands may reach the top record for this region.

Despite of the acreage growth, the onion production increase is under question in Odesa oblast, as the average yield is expected to be lower than past year, when it grew on 68% and production - on 2.4 times.

Odesa oblast is the leading onion producer in Ukraine, 11% of the gross production and 28% of all supplies account for this oblast. The onion production growth this year is partially caused by the favorable average price on this commodity and the suppression of the contraband from Poland; the producers from the southern oblasts of Ukraine were able to extend significantly their presence in the western region of the country.

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