The Ukrainian enterprise - producer of frozen vegetables, fruits and berries will increase significantly the purchase of raw materials
"Olvita" company has opened a new plant of vegetable, fruit and berry flash freezing and plans to purchase about 2,200 t of vegetable, fruit and berry raw materials on purpose to utilize the plant capacity. The most demanded raw materials for this company will be blackberry, sweet cherry and strawberry. Besides, the company plans to reserve huge volumes of newly harvested potato.
The market of frozen vegetables, fruits and berries is developing quite dynamically in Ukraine, though the native inhabitants stay far behind not only USA and the EU countries, but also Russia as regards of the consumed volumes of these commodities. Only imported frozen vegetable, fruit and berry commodities have been presented on the Ukrainian market until recently. To the opinion of the analysts of Agricultural Marketing Project, first Ukrainian companies with their own brands are entering this market and encouraging not only the development of this market, but also the growth of the frozen vegetables, fruits and berries consumption.
The main objective of the Agricultural Marketing Project is to stimulate the creation of the stable business relations among the producers of fruit and vegetable commodities and the purchasers (processors, wholesalers, the public catering and retail trade enterprises); the Project has already started to cooperate with the "Olvita" company on purpose to provide the supplies of quality raw materials to the plant directly form the producers.
We should note that "Olvita" company possesses the accurately formulated requirements to the supplied vegetables, fruits and berries, where the variety and the needed quality of the commodity affordable for processing are stated. The producers interested in the supplies of these commodities for freezing by "Olvita" company plant are invited to inquire the detailed information in the regional offices of Agricultural Marketing Project.