The prices on beet crops have increased significantly in Poltava oblast
The volume of root crops supply to Poltava has been decreased significantly, as both the wholesalers and the regional producers do not possess these commodities in their reserves. According to the information provided by Yuriy Konyayev, the Market Information Specialist of Poltava office, Agricultural Marketing Project, the carrot supply can be characterized as insufficient; the price has grown on 35-60% up to USD $ 0.39-0.79/kg during a week. The supply of red beets has been decreased too, but not so dramatically as for carrot; the price raised on 35%, up to USD $ 0.39/kg. The price levels typical for the same period of time past year are got over much; in the end of May 2004 the price on carrot was USD $ 0.29-0.43/kg, on red beets - USD $ 0.15-0.23/kg in the oblast. Despite of the good harvest of root beets observed past year, when the production volume exceeded the figures of 2003, the today prices on these commodities are still much higher than in the previous year. As the specialist thinks, this situation was caused by the insufficient volume of produce reserved for storage.