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June 1 2005, 15:28 Agrarian Marketing Project

Cucumber grew dearer in Odesa oblast

Cucumbers grew expensive considerably on Odesa markets, the retail prices increased up to USD $ 0.69-0.89/kg. The prices have been decreasing during the recent few weeks constantly on the background of the growing supply, in the end of past week cucumber cost USD $ 0.59/kg, that is the lowest price level this season. The wholesale sets are offered now on not lesser than $ 0.89/kg. The market players explain this fact by the supply decrease caused by the huge losses observed in the greenhouses after the squally wind of the past Thursday in the central rayons of Odesa oblast. As the second reason the representatives of greenhouse complexes mention the unstable weather conditions - shocking increase of the daily average temperatures happened in the last decade of May, alternation of hot and rainy days, which hampered the vegetation of greenhouse plants and influenced the volumes of cucumber harvest.

At the same time, the market players observe the stabilization and growth trend for cucumber supply on account of the supplies from the uninjured remote rayons.

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