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June 9 2005, 14:59 Agrarian Marketing Project

During the period since May 20th to June 9th the prices on early vegetables, fruits and berries have decreased on one third in average in Ukraine

According to the results of wholesale price monitoring conducted by Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP), in the period 05/20/05 - 06/09/05 the average price decrease on early vegetables, fruits and berries amounted to 30%.

In particular, here is the price decrease during the mentioned period given for each agricultural commodity:

- early potato - 37% (from USD $ 1.14 to 0.65/kg)

- early white potato - 45% (from USD $ 0.72 to 0.39/kg)

-early carrot - 8% (from USD $ 1.6 to 1,48/kg)

-greenhouse bell pepper. - 30% (from USD $ 3.13 to 2.2/kg)

-greenhouse tomatoes - 9% (from USD $ 1,75 to 1.6/kg)

-greenhouse short cucumber - 6% (from USD $ 0,88 to 0.83/kg)

-garlic - 16% (from USD $ 1 to 0.84/kg)

-squash - 46% (from USD $ 0.7 to 0.38/kg)

-egg-plant - 26% (from USD $ 3.5 to 2.6/kg)

- strawberry - 74% (from USD $ 4 to 1.03/kg)

Besides, during the mentioned period new commodities appeared on market which were earlier supplied apiece or not supplied at all. They are early bulb onion, garlic, sweet cherry. As of 06/09/05, the average price on these commodities was:

- sweet cherry - USD $ 0.96/kg

- early bulb onion - USD $ 0.48/kg

-early garlic - USD $ 0.7-0.8/kg

The prices as of 05/20/05 and 06/09/05 are stated as arithmetic mean of the wholesale prices on the markets "Kopani" (village B. Kopani, Kherson oblast), "Shuvar" (Lviv) and "Farmer" (Kyiv).

The daily wholesale prices on three main fruit and vegetable markets of Ukraine may be found on Agricultural Marketing Project web-site

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