Growth of cucumber supply led to a double price decrease in Odesa this week
At present moment greenhouse cucumber on Odesa markets is offered on USD $ 0.29-0.39/kg; though past week the prices were kept on the level of USD $ 0.59-0.79/kg. The present price level is similar to the prices on cucumber observed past year. We'll mention that until this week the price on cucumber has exceeded the previous year level significantly. The market players explain this price dynamics by the significant growth of the commodity supply on market. The producers report about the sales of the wholesale sets of cucumber directly from farms on price up to USD $ 0.29/kg; still the price changes daily. Some analysts suppose that the price decrease may go on, but it will hardly be significant. Past year the minimal retail prices on greenhouse cucumber on "Privoz" market - USD $ 0.99/kg - were recorded in the second half of June.