Strawberry, cucumber and cabbage are going expensive on Simferopol market; the price on water-melon decreased twice
The results of the retail price monitoring presented by Alexander Lekhno, the Market Information Specialist of Crimean office, Agricultural Marketing Proejct, prove that the retail prices have changed much during a week on Crimean markets.
Potato is sold in average on USD 0.39/kg on Kujbyshev market in Simferopol, though on Privoz market this commodity can be purchased much cheaper. The same situation was observed past year when Privoz market offered potato twice cheaper than the other retail markets. Red beets and carrot prices are still on the significantly high level; still the supply sets are considerable on Privoz market. Apparently, the deficit on these vegetables showed up, and the producers are still taking advantage of it. The price on tomatoes is going down, now it is possible to buy this commodity on USD 0.49-0.59/kg. Still the salad varieties remain rather expensive USD 1.38/kg, and customers purchase them not so actively. The decrease of cucumber supply led to the insignificant price growth on USD 0.1/kg in average, the commodity costs now USD 0.45-0.59/kg. The season of early cabbage comes to an end, as a result the prices on this commodity are growing - 0.39/kg on 3-4 sales points on the market.
The strawberry season is finished too, the prices grew up to USD 2.37/kg. The raspberry season is on peak, the prices dropped from USD 1.97/kg down to 1.58/kg. Apricot is supplied actively on market, the quality commodity costs USD 1.97-2.37/kg, however, one can by less expensive apricot of medium quality too. On the road to Simferopol the individual producers sell apricot from USD 0.39 to 1/kg. Early apples cost USD 0.59-0.79/kg. Quality peach started to be supplied on market; as in the previous year, the price on this commodity is rather high - up to USD 2.76/kg. Smaller peach costs much cheaper - up to USD 1/kg.
The main water-melon and melon trade is going on Privoz market. The price on water-melon dropped down twice down to USD 0.39/kg during the past week. The commodities are produced in the film greenhouses, but, as the vendors say, of local origin. In 2-3 weeks the mass harvesting of field water-melon and melon will start.