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July 21 2005, 17:27 Agrarian Marketing Project

Cauliflower production experience problems in Poltava oblast

The plants of the mustard family, especially cauliflower, are in the stress state now because of the insufficient rainfalls observed during the vegetation period. According to the observations made by Oleg Smolka, the Agronomist of Poltava AMP office, the plants have not gained the sufficient vegetation mass and start to bloom; cauliflower is forming small loose yellowish heads up to 100 gr. Some broccoli hybrids started to bloom in the present temperatures, +28 at the daytime and +12-14 at night. Yuriy Konyaev, the Market Information Specialist, mentions that there is no quality cauliflower on the city market of Poltava, the majority of the supplied commodities is not marketable, it is sold for USD 0.4-0.5/kg; the quality cauliflower brought from the other regions is of great demand, it costs USD 0.7/kg.

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