"Fruits and vegetables of Ukraine-2005" - more than exhibition and more than conference!
This year Kyiv assembles once more the top players of the produce business in the Eastern Europe. The first attempt of APK-Inform company jointly with the Agricultural Marketing Project to collect in one place the players of GIS produce business was realized as the first international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine: Market of New Opportunities" in the end of 2004. It was a great success, and this year the idea has been seriously developed.
First of all, the second international conference "Fruits and vegetables of Ukraine-2005" is more than a conference, as it will be combined with the standard international exhibition in the National complex Expocenter of Ukraine, the main exhibition complex of the country.
Second, this year the program of the conference will be interesting to the representatives of all layers of the produce business, from farmer to wholesaler or supermarket. The professional presentations of the conference will cover the topics of the top interest, containing the exclusive information from the most authoritative professionals of this business. In all the reports the emphasis will be placed on the numerous investment possibilities of this market. Besides, the handout materials of the conference will provide the unique manuals for fruit and vegetable business, market surveys and valuable reference books on fruit and vegetable packing, other materials.
The conference is combined with the exhibition, this fact creates the numerous opportunities not only to hear about the new technologies and trends, but also to see them on the exhibition, and communicate with the companies - suppliers of these technologies. It is very important that among the participants there will be the representatives of both national companies and the companies from the other GIS countries, Central and Western Europe, the USA, which possess rich traditions and a huge experience in the produce business.
No doubt, Ukraine should be proud of the fact that such events have started to be conducted for the first time exactly in this country. To the present moment the conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine" has practically no competitors in GIS. The companies from Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and other GIS countries, which participated in the first international conference, were surprised by its interesting content and the level of the organization. This year the program of the conference is planned to be even more interesting, and the organizers are expecting even more participants from these countries.
Past year the following leading world companies took an active part in the conference: Agrimatco, Rijk Zwaan, METRO Cash & Carry, Petruzalek, Stepac, Nickerson-Zwaan, Syngenta, Nunhems, Bayer and others; also such well-known Ukrainian companies, as Veres TM, Jaffa TM, Furshet supermarket chain, Kraft, Arti and many others. This year the organizers forecast the significant extension of this list.
The pleasant surprise for all agricultural producers of Ukraine will be the possibility to visit free-of-charge the exhibition and witness the presentation of a new weekly journal of the produce business Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits. Besides, they will get the unique opportunity to subscribe to this journal (it will start to be issued from January 2006) half-price "on site", just after the presentation.
The representatives of the companies - suppliers of seeds, plant protection assets, fertilizers and other input materials, and also packing, agricultural machinery and other equipment for fruit and vegetable business will be interested to know that about 100 most successful fruit and vegetable producers from all the regions of Ukraine will participate in the event. Their participation is funded by the sponsors of the event, and also by the Agricultural Marketing Project. Besides, the wholesalers and processors can establish important contacts with fruit, vegetable and equipment suppliers, and also purchasers of their commodities, as the numerous opportunities to meet and discuss the important questions both formally and informally are included into the conference agenda.
The other significant positive thing of the conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine-2005" will be the diversity of the advertising possibilities offered by APK-Inform to all the players of fruit and vegetable market.
The work of the conference will be widely headlined in the national and specialized mass media. Due to it, the national fruit and vegetable market becomes even more attractive for investors, and the sponsors of the conference obtain the advantage over their competitors. All the companies willing to introduce their product and service to the target audience, and able to make an interesting presentation, will be provided with such an opportunity on the last day of the conference work. They can also invite their best clients to participate in the event.
Please inquire Elena Cherednichenko, the Marketing Department, Information Agency "APK-Inform" concerning the participation in the conference, sponsorship or informational sponsorship, and also advertising per tel: 8-0563-320795 or e-mail: [email protected].
You can register as the conference participant directly on AMP web-site.