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August 17 2005, 13:43 Agrarian Marketing Project

Georgia specialists adopt experience of the Agricultural Marketing Project in Ukraine

The unique experience of the newest production technologies, post harvest handling, storage and marketing of fruit and vegetable commodities was accumulated by the specialists of the Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) and its clients. It attracts the players working on the produce market not only in Ukraine, but also in the other countries. In the beginning of August the specialists of the Georgian company AgVantage visited Ukraine and got acquainted with the working experience of the Project in the southern region of the country.

A special attention of Georgian guests was attracted to the advanced AMP experience in fruit and vegetable packing into the disposable corrugated board containers with the individual plastic sells for some kinds of fruits. Besides, during a short period of time the AgVantage specialists were able to see a great number of vegetable varieties and hybrids from the different seed companies, make contacts with the companies - the suppliers of seeds, drip irrigation systems, containers and machinery for fruit and vegetable production.

As AgVantage company provides consultation services to the farmers and other players on the produce market in Georgia, the company representatives hope that this visit will benefit to the development of the produce trade between the countries, and also help Georgian fruit and vegetable producers to improve the production and post harvest handling technologies. Plus, AgVantage adopts actively the AMP experience in the sphere of establishment and development of the market information system, and plans to send to more specialists to participate in the market information training, which will be conducted by AMP jointly with the APK-Inform Informational Agency in Dnepropetrovsk late August.

Ukraine and Georgia are traditionally competing on the early produce market of GIS countries. Ukraine imports from Georgia tropic fruits, not produced in our country, fresh herbs and some other products; Georgia imports from Ukraine the processed fruits and vegetables. To the opinion of AMP specialists, the mutual experience exchange and cooperation development between the produce market players of two countries will influence positively the development of this market.

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