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September 23 2005, 15:36 APK-Inform

Ukraine: quality of incoming wheat crop became slightly better

The latest data on the quality of new crop wheat, arriving at the moment at Ukraine's storage facilities, show a slight increase in the share of food quality grain, Agrarian Policy Ministry's spokesman said to APK-Inform.

Out of the 5.32 million tonnes of wheat that storage enterprises have received as of this Friday, 45 percent is now qualified into feed standard, while last week feed-quality grain was 46 percent of total.

The food standard grain was said to have been split into 676,700 tonnes (13 percent) of 3rd class (top quality), 1.66 million tonnes (31 percent) of 4th quality (mid-quality) and 519,720 tonnes of 5th class (lower quality) wheat.

Humidity of wheat is reportedly averaging 14.4 percent, protein content - 10.9 percent.

The ministry's spokesman said this year's wheat quality was generally better than last year.

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