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September 26 2005, 12:02 Agrarian Marketing Project

The increased cucumber supply is leading to the price decrease

The consequent price decrease on cucumber has been observed on the retail markets of Poltava during the recent two weeks. The assortment and quality of the supplied cucumber improved correspondently, according to the information provided by Yuriy Konyaev, the Market Information Specialist of Poltava office, Agricultural Marketing Project. During the two first weeks of September the price on cucumber was held on level of USD 0.7-0.8/kg - and the major part of the produce was not marketable enough and did not meet a great demand. Starting from the second half of the month, the price started to drop, at this moment it is about USD 0.5-0.6/kg, even though the assortment and the quality of cucumber are significantly better. Long plain greenhouse cucumber started to be sold. We should mention that the greenhouse commodities are not imported but supplied by small local producers, who responded the situation and hurried to plant the cucumbers into film greenhouses second time this season.

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