The information about Ukrainian produce business attracts much attention of the foreign companies
The dynamically developing produce business in Ukraine attracts the growing attention of the foreign companies which are studying the trade and investment perspectives of this market. The foreigners are interested first of all to sell here the materials and equipment for post harvest handling of fruits and vegetables, the machinery for cooling and storing; the packing, seed, irrigation system products. In view of the recent decrease of import taxes on practically all kinds of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, and in connection with the dynamic development of the retail trade the attention of the foreign companies is focused on import and on purchase of some kinds of commodities in Ukraine.
The investors also pay attention to fruit and vegetable processing market. A relatively low competition level is observed on this market regardless of the huge potential of the raw material zone development. The first foreign processing companies mainly work in the western regions of Ukraine, showing positive results; their positive experience proves a rather prominent perspective of this market development. The potential investors are also interested even in vegetable, fruit and berry production; for some items the rate of return exceeds 300%.
The growth of interest to the Ukrainian produce market from the side of the foreign companies is proved by much more frequent appeals to the Agricultural Marketing Project from abroad, observed recently. The news of the produce market of Ukraine, published by the Agricultural Marketing Project, are published in the specialized international periodicals more often now. That's why the Project is expecting for the growing number of the foreign companies to participate in the second international conference "Fruits an Vegetables of Ukraine 2005" to be held in Kyiv on December 5th-7th 2005. We invite everyone to participate in the conference, where some valuable business contacts can be established and you are able to get exclusive information about the investment opportunities and perspectives of the produce business of Ukraine.