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October 11 2005, 11:30 Agrarian Marketing Project

Ukrainians do shopping 82% spontaneously

So said Ruslan Chervak, the official representative of POPAI (Point Of Purchase Advertising International) in Ukraine on retail trade conference held recently in Yalta. According to the survey conducted by the company, the Ukrainians make the decision what to buy directly in shop in 82,7% cases; this figure is significantly greater than it is in Western European countries. For example, in Great Britain this rate is 75,5%, Netherlands - 80,4%, Belgium - 69,9%, France - 76%, Denmark - 76,5%, Germany - 49,9%. The Italians seem to be most economical - they do impulse shopping only in 42% cases.

The specialist considers actions or absence of actions of the other people to be the main factor for shopping decision-making. This factor is much more important than motivation change, new information about the product or changing circumstances.

Ruslan Chervak describes Ukrainian buyers:

" Ukrainian buyer is conservative, he perceives new mostly suspiciously, as a threatening factor. He often chooses for old product only because he can't foresee the effect of a new product.

" Ukrainian buyer is xenophobe, a reserved one. He finds products from his own houseplot or rayon better and safer than afar supplied ones.

" He is individualistic, self-oriented ("it's neither my headache nor my piece of cake! ")

" The unbalanced characteristics are vivid on Ukrainian West - Ukrainian East Axis, such as collectivism - individualism, national-foreign, etc.

" Ukrainian buyer is helpless if he has to choose one product among many nearly the same products; he believes in deficit myth and useful relations which ensure quality.

" Ukrainian buyer is suspicious to advertisement and outer information. He lives fearing to be cheated.

" His incredulity is combined paradoxically with belief and love to lottery, sampling, testing - Ukrainian buyer sees his problems solution here.

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