Russia: bird flu epizootic situation as of Nov. 7
Russia's agriculture ministry with reference to Federal Service for Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Control (Rosselkhoznadror) informed that as of November 7 bird flu epizootic situation in Russia was as follows:
- in Altai Krai there are 3 bird flu affected settlements;
- in Omsk Oblast in 1 remaining affected settlement the entire poultry flock has been slaughtered; cancellation of quarantine is being considered;
- in Kurgan Oblast there are 3 affected and 1 suspected settlement;
- in Cheliabinsk Oblast there are 2 affected settlements;
- in Novosibirsk Oblast there are 8 settlements still suspected; limitations are likely to be lifted next week;
- in Tula Oblast in the one affected settlement final disinfection has been made; quarantine is supposed to be lifted till the end of week;
- in Tambov Oblast there are 2 affected settlements.
Totally in Russian Federation as of November 7 there were 12 affected and 9 suspected settlements of high infection likelihood.