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November 9 2005, 11:51 Agrarian Marketing Project

Recipes help to sell new product in Ukrainian supermarkets

Some years ago produce sectors in supermarkets were very unattractive; somewhere they were totally absent. Time passed, retail trade started to develop dynamically, and supermarkets understood the importance of smooth and quality vegetable trade. Vegetables are not highly profitable for supermarket trade, plus produce needs daily maintenance. Still the buyers may choose to go to city market instead of buying some products in the supermarket and vegetables - on market. So the supermarkets had to compete.

The supermarkets offered first of all tomato, cucumber, onion and other common produce.

At the same time, only new, unusual products may bring additional profit and satisfy purchasers' demand. Celery, leek, Brussels sprouts, various lettuces and fresh herbs are not new for many customers, but still not common. The specialists of Crimean office of the Agricultural Marketing Project noticed that low sales of leek and celery are caused by the problem that the majority of buyers have no idea how to use them. A solution was found - to place in the produce sector common national recipes with leek or celery as one of the components.

Such approach increased rapidly the interest to these products and produce sector in the whole, and sales grew significantly too.

Supermarkets are becoming very important sales channel, to the opinion of Alexander Lekhno, the Market Information Specialist of Crimean AMP office. Only this year LIKON farm sold produce worth USD 12,500 to Simferopol supermarkets.

To ensure the quality of the supplied produce, LIKON farm uses own trademark, each supplied item is labeled correspondently.

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