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November 21 2005, 15:44 Interfax-Ukraine

Ukraine: agrarian confederation accuses gvt. of secrecy in WTO entry preparations

Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC) appeals that government should make public all the conditions of Ukraine's accession to World Trade Organisation.

"The question is why professional NGO's and associations, heads of large agricultural organisations do not have an access today to the information associated with signing agreement about WTO accession, why is it secret information? We understand that we must go to WTO, but we must know the conditions of entry to this organisation," UAC president Leonid Kozachenko said to media on Saturday.

At the same time, Ukraine Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Melnyk said to the press that the conditions of Ukraine's WTO accession were not any secret. He said that the parliament had adopted a considerable part of documents, needed for the accession, and that society should be extensively informed about these issues.

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