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December 23 2005, 14:45 Agrarian Marketing Project

The interest to the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly journal of the produce business of Ukraine exceeded expectations

According to the Informational Agency APK-INFORM, it launched a new project of a unique weekly for the produce business of Ukraine in early December, and the interest to this periodical exceeded all the preliminary forecasts made by the Agency. The Informational Agency receives daily dozens of calls and applications to subscribe for the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly journal. Since the 1st of December the journal will be disseminated only by subsription, and also during the industry conferences, exhibitions organized by the Agricultural Marketing Project, Field days and other special events.

We'll remind that "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" periodical is the first weekly journal for all players of Ukrainian produce market. It provides the exclusive up-to-date information about fruit and vegetable prices and market trends, analytical information, price-lists, technological and marketing information; moreover, it provides the subscribers with a complex of services. Since January 2006 all subscribers will get free-of-charge access to all sections of web-site Besides, the subscribers will be able to ask directly for the consultations of the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, as well as sell or purchase produce, input supplies through the powerful tool of price-list advertisement (the journal weekly publishes 1,000-1,500 commercial proposals of the actual market players)

The experience shows that all the produce market players find very effective their participating in the annual international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine"; the event has been conducted two times already by the journal "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" and Informational Agency APK-INFORM. Those who are considered to be the leaders of the produce business of Ukraine and other countries gather for the event; the subscribers of the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly will have a special discount for participation and sponsorship of the conference. Besides, the subscribers will receive annually the updated reference book "Produce business of Ukraine" on a discount price. Moreover, they are invited to participate in the practical seminars on fruit and vegetable production, storing, post harvest handling, packing and marketing free-of-charge in the different regions of Ukraine in 2006.

The periodical was not started from scratch; it accumulated the most prominent features of the best produce business journal "Agrooglyad', which provided monthly the exclusive information about the technologies and situation on the produce market. The annex "Agrooglyad+" delivered up-to-date market information about the produce prices, commercial proposals and the most important news of the agricultural market. New periodical is more attractive and easy to read, as it is in full color now, the information is not duplicated, the client receives issues more promptly. As one of the subscribers said: ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" is doing more to the development of the produce sector of Ukrainian agriculture than the Government. The information provided by the journal is the only real support for the farmers, producers, wholesale companies and input suppliers; at the same time, the Government does not help us, and often even hampers us".

You can subscribe to the journal in any office of UkrPoshta, the subscription index of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" is 23735. You can also subscribe online on APK-INFORM web-site, filling an easy form here Monthly subscription costs 24.99 UAH (about $5) or 5.80 UAH (~$ 1) per one issue.

The clients of the Agricultural Marketing Project have good news: the Project decided to cover partially the expenses for the clients' subscription in 2006. To get more detailed information about the subscription terms for the AMP clients, please inquire the Marketing Department of IA APK-INFORM per tel: 8-0562-320795. Join the leaders of the produce business of Ukraine today; only those who have trustworthy information, can survive in the world of severe competition on market today!

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