In 2006 early cabbage will ripen earlier than usual in Odesa oblast
According to the information provided by the private producers from the southern rayons of Odesa oblast, the professional producers of early white cabbage managed to grow transplants earlier than ever thanks to the relatively mild winter. For example, the farmers of Izmail rayon, Odesa oblast usually supply early cabbage of local origin in the first half of April (closer to the midmonth); this year first sets of early white cabbage can come to market in the beginning of April.
According to the data of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, in 2005 first sets of white cabbage came to Kyiv wholesale market on the 15th of April from the southern rayons of Odesa oblast; the product cost $ 2.7-3/kg. Taking into account the significant price growth on energy, observed in 2005, and the possible earlier market launch, the start price on early cabbage may be around $ 4/kg, to the opinion of the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly.
We'd point out that the farmers are rather conservative to forecast anything, as they are right to expect the weather to change for worse, so that early cabbage ripening can be hampered. If the weather remains favorable, earlier market launch can bring much profit, as the farmer will save costs for greenhouse heating and get higher price thanks to the earlier start of sales. Previous year the wholesale prices on early cabbage had not gone lower $ 2/kg till May.