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February 14 2006, 13:10

Market players forecast a fast demand growth on Ukrainian cucumbers and tomatoes in Russia

Sergey Yefimkin, the Director of Nunhems Seeds Company forecasts a rapid demand increase on Ukrainian vegetables from the side of Russian processors. First of all he speaks about cucumbers and tomatoes, according to the correspondent of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly journal.

As he said, Russia depends much on Ukrainian vegetables. "Russia will force hard Ukrainian vegetable market this year. Russians will buy everything left by Ukrainian processors and supermarkets", S. Yefimkin is sure.

Ukrainian processors also claim about a high demand for cucumber. "We are ready to purchase 1,000 tons of farmers' cucumbers per season. To our regret, the raw material zone of our region is not able to satisfy the plant needs. The cannery is provided with 65-70% of demanded cucumber in yielding year and 15-20% in off year" Yuriy Yurkevich says, the Chief of Raw Material Department, Globino Cannery (Poltava oblast).

According to the analysts' prognoses, the cucumber acreage will be extended 10-15% in Ukraine in 2006.

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