Potato, onion and carrot prices decreased, cabbage grew in price - the Ministry of Economics
The PR and Mass Media Department of the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine reported about the recorded vegetable price decrease in the first decade of April.
According to the data of the price monitoring conducted by the state price control bodies, in the period from 04/01/2006 to 04/10/2006 the average price level on potato decreased the most significantly - 3.2% (down to USD 0.47/kg). The prices on bulb onion declined too - 1.4% (down to USD 0.53/kg), and carrot - 1 % (down to USD 0.57/kg).
At the same time, since April 1st till 10th cabbage price has increased 0.7% (up to USD 0.55/kg). Red beets price has not changed, as for April 10th it was USD 0.47/kg.