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April 12 2006, 13:43

Early vegetable supply to Poltava oblast markets is delayed

According to the information provided to Poltava AMP office by the early vegetable producers, this year weather conditions turned out to be very poor for cucumber, early cabbage and tomatoes grown in film greenhouses.

Yuri Konyaev, Poltava office Specialist shared the information that the terms of early vegetable supply to the regional markets will be delayed 2-3 weeks because of a long cool spring. First shipments of this produce usually enter the market early May.

At the present moment cabbage transplants, a part of cucumber transplants have been planted; the producers have just started to plant tomato transplants.

50-60% of early cabbage plantings are in a poor state now, according to the evaluations of the regional entrepreneurs. There is a definite share of probability that these plantings will die. The production volumes for this type of produce are in danger to decline abruptly in the region.

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