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April 14 2006, 09:20

Price decrease continues for cabbage, onion and potato

The daily wholesale price monitoring is conducted on the largest wholesale markets of Ukraine by the specialists of the Agricultural Marketing Project. The price decrease trend has been confirmed for early white cabbage, onion and potato. These commodities' prices have decreased 7% in average during the recent week.

The bulb onion prices went down the most abruptly - 5-10%. This commodity prices were the most stable in Kyiv. The most abrupt price decrease for bulb onion was observed on the wholesale KOPANI market in Kherson oblast. Early white cabbage continued decreasing in price despite of its delayed ripening. Its price has declined 8% in average, but it is still high enough. The price decrease for the past year potato happened under pressure of the increased import shipments of Egypt early potato. During a week this commodity has decreased 5-15% in price throughout the country.

It is worth mentioning that the prices for white cabbage of past year harvest have temporary stabilized. Pekinese cabbage price jumped up 15-20% past week.

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