This year was less successful than 2005 for early potato producers
Early potato of local origin started to be supplied in large shipments to Odesa oblast markets, according to information provided by Dmitriy Chernyak, the Market Information Specialist of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project. This year supplies started two weeks later than in 2005. However, despite of the later entrance of early potato on market and twice as higher prices for "old" potato (comparing to 2005), early potato price is practically the same this year as it was at the same period of time a year ago.
We should take into account higher prices for seed material and later entrance on market. In addition, later entrance on market means reduction of sales period for the maximum prices. So, this year will probably be less profitable for local early potato producers.
One of the main reasons for such situation is the competition which national potato has to stand with imported produce this year. Maxim Yenchenko, the AMP Market Information Specialist, mentions Egyptian potato in particular. Due to the climatic conditions Egyptian producers are ready to supply potato in winter on significantly lower prices. That's why the wholesale companies took an opportunity of the decreased import tax for early potato and supplied large volumes of this commodity to Ukraine.