Wholesale prices for early cabbage decreased lower the prices for past year cabbage in Odesa oblast
This week retail price for early cabbage declined down to the price level of past year cabbage, according to information provided by Dmitriy Chernyak, the Market Information Specialist of Odesa office, Agricultural Marketing Project. Early cabbage costs $0.68-0.88/kg in retail; past year cabbage costs $0.68/kg. And, local producers sell early cabbage for wholesale price $ 0.43-0.49/kg this week. This price corresponds to the price level for past year cabbage on SHUVAR market in Lviv, the leading cabbage producer in Ukraine. And, the price is significantly lower than the wholesale price for past year cabbage on city markets-bazars.
It is interesting to point out that past year the prices for early and past year cabbage equaled on the same level at the same period of time.
According to the results of market situation monitoring conducted during recent years, starting from this moment the demand for "old" cabbage usually decreases rapidly, and its supply will end up in one-two weeks.