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July 17 2006, 13:02

Ukrainian peach shortage: as to forecast, gross yield decreased four-fold

Poor peach harvest was caused this year by frost-killed fruiting buds during January and February frosts. As a result, mostly imported peach is supplied on Ukrainian market now. As of today, imported peach costs in average $2.35/kg in wholesale trade and up to $3.92/kg in retail trade. The prices for Ukrainian peach significantly vary because of different quality, packing, place where peach is sold. The price fluctuates within $1.17-2.35/kg in wholesale trade and $2.74-3.92/kg in retail trade. At the same period of time past year the wholesale price for peach was about $1.17-1.56/kg on Kyiv FARMER market; $0.39-0.78/kg on KOPANI market in Kherson oblast. Ukrainian peach is absent on KOPANI market today; the price for imported peach is $2.35/kg both here and on Kyiv market.

We'll remind that in the production and price forecast for produce the Agricultural Marketing Project speaks about prognosed 76% decrease of gross peach harvest in Ukraine. Crimea as the main supplier of peach on Ukrainian market will witness 94% decrease of gross harvest.

Major peaches are of Greek or Italian origin on FARMER market in Kyiv. It is easy to distinguish imported peaches from national product due to different packing. Unlike the majority of Ukrainian producers, foreign companies supply their peaches packed in quality wooden or corrugated board boxes with individual cells. Besides, the information about country-supplier and the producer is printed on box.

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