The Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation supports the First International Conference "Produce Business in Russia 2006"
The organizers of the specialized international conference "Produce Business in Russia 2006", the first of the kind in the history of Russian Federation, enlisted the support of the Ministry of Agriculture. Consequently, the Ministry recognizes the topicality and the importance of this event for the development of Russian agriculture.
Russian produce business is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the national agriculture. This business let the producers ensure rapidly paid-off investments; at the same time, the investments to the production and trade of grain and oil crops, as well as other plant commodities, do not bring significant returns. Despite of this fact, absolutely free niches on this market are still quite numerous.
During the conference the participants of this event will be able to discuss numerous opportunities existing on Russian market. This is important for stimulation of fruit and vegetable production in the country. The conference organizers hope that this event will be the catalyst of the quality changes not only in the sphere of produce growing, but also in such segments of the produce market as storage, post harvest handling, packing and marketing. That's why the conference program includes such questions which are interesting for all segments of the produce business.
We'll remind that the conference "Produce Business in Russia 2006" will be conducted on October 17th-18th 2006 on the territory of the EXPOCENTER, Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow. To ensure the participation in the conference, please register by filling the application form on this site.