Pending the production growth, apple prices in Poland are decreasing
According to information provided by the Agricultural Marketing Project, the wholesale prices for this commodity continue decreasing in Poland in line with the continuous apple harvesting. As Polish trade sources inform, the wholesale purchase price for apples dropped down to$0.29-0.31/kg (it is nearly the same price level as observed past year) in the main production regions in Poland.
At the same time, an average price for dessert apples is $0.47/kg on BRONISZE market near Warsaw. But, a wide price range is observed even for one apple variety - it can be explained by a large quantity of sub-sized apples. Small apples of Lobo, Delikates, Cortland, Gloster, Champion and Antonovka varieties can be bought even for $0.29-0.31/kg. The quality apples of the mentioned varieties cost $0.5-0.54/kg.
To the opinion of Andriy Yarmak, the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Marketing Project, one of the reasons of a wide price fluctuation in Poland is a drought summer 2006. As a result, the producers harvested many small and sub-standard apples as most orchards in Poland are not irrigated. And, apple concentrate producers set up low prices for commercial shipments of raw materials. As a consequence, the farmers have to look for a possibility to sell small apples for a better price; i.e. the farmers supply large volumes of their apples on the market of marketable dessert apples.
The apple prices are also pressed in Poland by the forecasts of the relatively good apple harvest in 2007. According to some evaluations, 2007 harvest can insignificantly exceed the harvest 2006 (we'll remind that in 2006 Poland has picked one of the lowest harvests for the recent years). However, the quality dessert apples will hardly go cheaper this year. And, there is a possibility that a part of the grown apples will not be harvested because of the serious problems with labor resources observed in Poland at the present moment.
A. Yarmak observes that since November 2005 Poland has not been able to supply apples on Russian market. If this question is settled this year, the apple prices in Poland will significantly exceed the past year prices. Banned supplies of Polish apples to Russia make Polish companies search for the partners on the markets of Ukraine and other countries.
That's why several large wholesalers - suppliers of Polish vegetables, fruits and berries have already confirmed their participation in the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market". Polish companies are actively interested now not only by apple supplies to Ukrainian market, but also the possibilities of produce import to Poland. In particular, the possibility to buy wholesale shipments is of a great interest: they want to purchase egg-plant, field and greenhouse tomatoes, cucumber, water-melon and melon, pepper, and peach, apricot, able grape and other thermophilic fruits in season in Ukraine. Off season, Polish companies are interested to purchase processed or handled produce, in particular onion and preserved cucumbers.
In order to provide a possibility to directly speak to the wholesale companies from Ukraine, Poland, Holland and other countries, and to meet the representatives of retail chains in Ukraine, the organizers of the conference envisaged a trade forum "Inner trade of produce commodities, import and export potentials". During the forum the leading experts will tell about new opportunities of inner and international produce trade; the buyer and seller companies will share their ideas and suggestions.
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