By the end of October tomato prices in Crimea will be lower than in 2005
Till the end of October the wholesale prices for Crimean tomatoes will remain stable on the level of $0.29-0.39/kg, to the opinion of the specialists of Crimean office, Agricultural Marketing Project. Tomato producers think that on October 2006 the supply exceeds the records for the same period of time past year. To sell the supplied tomato volumes, lower price should be specified.
According to the forecast of the Agricultural Marketing Project, tomato production is 14% greater this year than in 2006; total cultivation area of tomatoes was extended 5-7%. Tomato supply on Crimean market can be partially explained by the fact that some processing enterprises refused to purchase large shipments of tomatoes (several thousands of tons). So, commercial volumes of tomatoes for processing entered fresh market.
As of early September 2006, tomato price was higher in average $0.07/kg the records of the past year. By the end of September the price equaled with the past year price level. The specialists forecast that by the end of October the price will be lower than at the same period of time in 2005. Tomatoes were sold for $0.58-0.74/kg in the third decade of October past year; the price for field tomato is expected to be on the level of $0.39/kg this year.
The price for greenhouse tomatoes will not change much too due to large supply of field tomatoes; however, weather is able to influence this situation. If there is a slight frost (-1 C0), green tomato will lose the ability to ripen, and the marketable qualities of red tomato will deteriorate.