The wholesale prices for potato continue decreasing
Basing on the moderate potato yield in the certain regions of Ukraine in a result of unfavorable weather conditions, many players of the produce market forecasted the potato price increase as soon as starting from mid October. At the same time, the Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) analysts pointed out the low probability for the further price growth, and spoke about possible price decrease in AMP potato production and price forecast published in the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal.
At the present moment the price situation confirms the tentative forecasts of the Project analysts. During two recent weeks the wholesale prices for potato have declined $0.02-0.04/kg on the wholesale markets. Now potato costs $0.25-0.39/kg depending from the region and the product quality. The producers sell potato $0.04-0.06/kg cheaper on terms of customers' pick-up. An average price decrease for potato has constituted 11% throughout Ukraine during 4 recent weeks. The prices decreased the most significantly in the southern regions of the country exactly where the highest prices have been observed before.
The detailed production and price forecast for potato and other vegetables will be presented on the 5th of December 2006 - "the strategic day" - during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market". We remind that you should register online to reserve the place as a conference participant.