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November 1 2006, 16:37

Polish greenhouse cucumber meets good demand on Ukrainian market

According to information provided by the specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, significant changes have happened recently on greenhouse cucumber market in Ukraine. On the background of the reduced cucumber supplies done by Ukrainian greenhouse complexes, the end of season was marked with the beginning of Polish cucumber supplies to the country.

The wholesale shipments of Polish cucumbers are offered for sale for $1.17-1.37/kg. The demand for this commodity remains on a very high level, cause the supplies of both imported and national greenhouse cucumbers are insufficient on market. The reduction of cucumber supply did not take long to influence the prices. For example, short cucumber is sold for not less than $1.76/kg on Kyiv FARMER wholesale market.

The specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal say that the further prices for cucumber on Ukrainian market will depend on weather conditions and rhythmical supplies of imported produce. And, Ukrainian greenhouse industry will have to face a serious challenge this season: the prices for gas and electricity will increase.

There is a way for greenhouse complexes in Ukraine to avoid the negative consequences of the price increase for energy carriers; and, the greenhouse industry of Ukraine still has its strategic perspectives. Vladimir Chernyshenko, the Director of JSC "Combinat", the largest greenhouse complex in Ukraine, will cover the mentioned topics as one of the most authoritative experts in this industry during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market". There are also several presentations on post harvest handling, packing and marketing of fresh vegetables included to the conference program; these topics will be of interest for the representatives of greenhouse business.

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