In November 2006 vegetables cost 10% cheaper than at the same period of time past year
According to estimations done by the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the set of major vegetables and potato will be 10% lower in November 2006 than in November 2005. We can make this conclusion based on comparison of the price forecast for vegetables in November 2006 with the actual price level in November 2005 with the account to the consumption volumes of various commodities of vegetable group.
The experts say, the main reason for vegetable price decrease was a significant production increase in 2006, and also, to some extent, the further development of the infrastructure of the agricultural market of Ukraine.
Carrot and table beet decreased in price most of all comparing to 2005; one can buy these products in average 25% cheaper now. In some regions the price decrease for these crops is more than 40%. The vendors sell white cabbage and onion 20-25% cheaper in 2006; bell pepper and potato - 10% cheaper. The price for fresh herbs (dill and parsley) was not actually changed comparing to November 2005; garlic price went down insignificantly too. At the same time, the prices for greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes increased in average 3-5%. The prices for radish went significantly up; still this product does not have large specific weight in the consumption structure.
To the opinion of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, in 2006 we can expect the significant changes to happen in the structure of vegetable production. You can listen to the detailed preliminary forecast of vegetable production and prices in 2007 on December 5th, 2006, in the first day of the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market"".