The consumption of vegetables and fruits in the EU countries continue decreasing in the EU countries - and growing in Ukraine
The consumption of fruits in the EU countries decreased more than 2%, vegetable consumption - more than 4% in 2005. The site informs about that. The same trends were observed in Poland too: past year the consumption of fruits reduced 5%, vegetables - 1%.
Such trends of the EU produce business make produce growers worry; in addition to the consumption decrease, they suffer from the constantly increasing supplies of imported produce commodities for relatively low prices.
At the same time, according to information provided by the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the consumption of produce commodities in Ukraine continues growing. The growth of consumption is observed both for fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, and for the processed commodities (canned produce, frozen vegetables and fruits, juices, dry commodities, etc.). This fact attracts new national and foreign investors to Ukrainian produce business interested in the development of production and processing of the produce commodities.
Many of the potential investors and active companies in Ukraine plan to participate in the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" as they have an opportunity to get unique information about the development perspectives of the produce sector of Ukraine. We remind that a little more than three weeks are left till the end of the registration for participation in the conference!