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November 15 2006, 11:24

The production of pickled vegetables is aggressively developing in Ukraine

While the supply of field vegetables is being reduced on market, canned and pickled vegetables replace them in the ration. The specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal mention that the producers of pickled commodities refer now to the category of the companies which have no problems with produce sales. This fact can be explained by the increased demand for pickled commodities in the period from September till December. Starting from mid winter, canned vegetables traditionally start competing with pickled vegetables.

The market specialists have pointed out positive dynamics on the pickled commodities' market in the recent years. Three-four years ago the pickled vegetables were considered to be entirely home-made product which is not commercially produced. The buyers could find salted and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage only on bazars. During two recent years at once several commercial producers of pickled vegetables have entered Ukrainian market; some of them even introduced own trademarks. A high demand for pickled commodities determines the reduction of home-pickled volumes on the background of a great loyalty to such commodities from the side of the consumers. So, the increased interest to pickled vegetables from the side of supermarkets stimulates the producers to build up the production volumes. The share of the enterprises specialized on pickled commodities is relatively small on the national market of the processed vegetables (if this share is compared, for example, with the share occupied by the producers of canned commodities). But, the experts of the Agricultural Marketing Project forecast its further growth.

The specialists also point out that the assortment of pickled commodities has significantly increased this season. At the present moment the enterprises pickle cucumbers, tomatoes, and egg-plants, some types of cabbage, mushrooms and even root crops. You can read about the state and perspectives of the processing industry in the weekly overviews in "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal.

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