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November 15 2006, 13:52

Carrot and other vegetables' processing into juice is growing in Ukraine

According to information of Ukrainian farmers - carrot producers, at the present moment it is possible to sell carrot for processing only for a low price, if the supply contract is not signed. The carrot juice producers set the purchase price on the level $0.07-0.09/kg. This price is approximately 1.5-2 times lower than the carrot price on fresh market.

It is worth to point out that the production of carrot as raw material for processing has been considered as one of the most interesting market niches for this commodity in recent years. It contributed to the supply growth for carrot varieties and hybrids characterized by a certain quality features. Also, there was an opportunity to sell carrot for relatively high prices on fresh market. However, to the opinion of the market players, carrot production has significantly exceeded the demand level for this commodity this year in Ukraine. So, we can forecast that relatively low prices for carrot will be preserved during the whole season.

At the same time, to the opinion of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the volumes of carrot juice and other vegetable juices production in 2006 will be top record for the recent years. In addition to carrot, tomatoes, bell pepper, table beets and pumpkin were processed into juice.

The leading processors will present the development perspectives for commercial vegetables and fruits processing during the strategic day of the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" to be held December 5th-6th 2006 in the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine". The registration of the participants will be over on November 25th 2006.

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