Apple production in Poland and China has exceeded the preliminary expectations
According to information of with the reference to the data of official statistics, in 2006 apple production turned out to be higher than expected in Poland; it constituted around 2.3 mln. tons. The harvest 2006 is 11% greater than in 2005. The situation has already resulted in the serious problems with commercial apple sales for affordable prices. At the same time, according to the data of British experts, the volume of apple production in China can also increase 20% up to 24 mln. tons. This figure is also greater than the experts and market payers expected to. So, it is possible that the forecasts of high prices for apples can be reconsidered soon.
According to information of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, despite of the production growth, the prices for quality table apples are somewhat higher in Poland at the present moment than a year ago. This fact is predetermined by the reduced apple production in most countries of Western Europe, and also by a high percentage of non-marketable apples in the harvest.
The prices for marketable apple have increased in average 20-30% this season in Ukraine comparing to the previous year. The prices for apples for processing needs have increased even more significantly. The detailed price forecast for apples and other products in the new season will be presented by the analysts in a week during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market".