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December 4 2006, 09:35

Kyiv will become a capital of Eastern European produce business for two days

Tomorrow, on December 5th 2006, the third international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" is starting. This is the largest event of the produce business in Eastern Europe. The largest producers of vegetables, fruits and berries will come to the capital of Ukraine. The large processors, the representatives of wholesale and retail trade, input suppliers, machinery, equipment and independent experts will attend the event too.

Prior to its beginning the conference has set up several records. More than 400 produce business professionals from 16 world countries are registered for participation in the conference. A strategic session and at once 4 specialized forums will be conducted in the framework of the event. Forty five professional presentations will be made during the forums. Not less than five thousand specialists are expected to attend the international exhibition held in the framework of the conference.

The practice shows that the conference serves as a unique source of professional information about market perspectives and the newest technologies, a source of new ideas and upscale experience. Also, the participants of all previous conferences point out a huge importance of the possibility to set business contacts with top managers of all links of the produce business. It is very important that the most successful companies and producers participate in the conferences as a rule. There is always much to learn from them. As known, these contacts play a very important role in the development of any business.

To our regret, many politicians and experts underestimate the role of produce business for the agriculture of Ukraine and its economics. But, it is up to this business to provide stable income for most inhabitants of rural areas. Ukrainian rural people earn 35% more by fruit and vegetable production comparing to grain crop growing which is in a focus of attention now. And, fruit and vegetable business provides hundred times more jobs. Fruit and vegetables production let the growers accumulate dozen times larger gross and net profit per each hectare. The rates of the produce business growth have been exceeding 30% annually in recent years. They significantly influence and support the rates of gross production growth of Ukraine and the development of the country economics in the whole. The constantly growing export of fruit and vegetable products let the national currency hold stable.

We hope that the third international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market" conducted by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly journal under support of the Agricultural Marketing Project and the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine", will become another step toward the gearing up rates of the industry development and the formation of Ukraine as a large player on the global fruit and vegetable market.

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