Mushroom market in Ukraine is brought to a stand before the Lent
The demand and supply for fresh mushrooms have been quite good balanced recently on the market of Ukraine. As a result, the prices for champignons and oyster mushroom are stable. To the opinion of the mushroom producers, no significant changes are expected on market till the beginning of Lent which will start on February 19th for the Orthodox Christians.
To the opinion of the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly journal, the prices for champignon and oyster mushroom have considerably declined during the recent year; this fact is predetermined by several factors. The significant production increase and the improved technologies of mushroom growing led to the supply growth, the quality increase and the reduced production cost. Additionally, the considerable price decrease for meat and cheese negatively influenced the mushroom prices on the market of Ukraine. Thanks to the enumerated factors, Ukrainian producers were able to almost fully force Polish mushrooms out of market. Earlier, Polish product caused a significant pressure on the mushroom prices in Ukraine.
The market players think that the demand for champignons and oyster mushroom will become more active in the beginning of the Lent, so that the producers are able to extend the sales volumes and to increase the sales prices for this product.