EU had a record fruit harvest; vegetable production declined
After a relatively great production in 2004 the fruit harvest declined a little bit in 2005. According to evaluations of ZMP company, the production has increased approximately 2% up to 37 mln. tons by 2006. This was mostly the result of the great harvest of citrus fruits which was likely to become a new record.
After the record harvest 2004, the reduced vegetable cultivation areas predetermined the production decrease. Despite of the extended vegetable acreage in 2006 the yield deteriorated because the late spring, hot and droughty July, and cold and rainy August.
According to ZMP estimations, vegetable production was 57 mln. tons in EU-25 in 2006, i.e. the production decreased 4% comparing to the previous year. The yield reduction was especially vivid in Poland.
It was possibly to increase the sales revenues both for fruits and vegetables exactly due to the high prices 2006. The poor harvest on the North of Europe was compensated by extremely high prices. A quite opposite situation was observed in the South. Being the largest fruit and vegetable exporter in the EU, Spain suffered from great losses in the season 2005/2006. The citrus fruit producers complained to the huge losses as well. At the same time, the financial positions of many fruit producers in the EU were sufficiently improved in the season 2006/2007.