Potato prices decline in Ukraine
The specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal inform about the significantly decreased sales prices for potato since the beginning of the current week on the markets of almost all regions of Ukraine.
The sales prices for potato were kept around $0.24-0.36/kg in the end of the previous week. As of today, major sales are performed in the price range $0.16/kg to $0.24/kg depending on the shipment quality and size.
To the specialists' opinion, the totally increased potato supply pushed the vendors reconsider the sales price downwards. At the present moment many farms report about the rapidly declining quality of the produce stocks in the storages. They hurry to sell out the available stocks; in this connection the sales prices are pressed down. Even the steadily high demand for potato does not save the day. In their turn, the wholesale companies tell that medium quality potato is mostly supplied on market.
The specialists forecast no crucial changes to happen on potato market, so the prices will be retained on the same low level. The specialists explain this circumstance by the fact that the farms still have large volumes of produce. So they do not expect any breaks in potato supplies soon.