Mushroom producers seek technologists
One of the most urgent problems of the mushroom producing enterprises in Ukraine is a severe deficit for the highly qualified personnel. Only around five universities train the specialists who are ready to work as the technologists on the mushroom farms. The graduates do not always possess enough knowledge to start working immediately. The increase of the number of the highly qualified personnel in the mushroom enterprises should be based on the effective cooperation of the science, on one hand, and the mushroom farms, on the other hand, to the opinion of Alexander Tsiz, the Laureate of the State Award in the sphere of science and technique, the Associate Professor, Cover Ground Department of the National Agrarian university.
In the framework of the second international conference "Mushroom industry 2007" in the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" Mr. Tsiz will make the presentation "State and perspectives of the personnel training in the universities of Ukraine". He will speak on the analysis of the specialists' training by the national educational bodies for the mushroom enterprises; also he will suggest the solutions to improve the level of the personnel skills for the mushroom production. You can find the conference program here.