"Kvity Service", one of the leaders of Ukrainian mushroom market, will provide general sponsorship to "Mushroom Industry 2007" conference
The general sponsor of the conference "Mushroom Industry 2007" will be one of the leaders of the mushroom market of Ukraine, "Kvity Service".
This company is known in Ukraine as the supplier of the professional complex solutions for mushroom producers; the company has a broad assortment of products and services both for small mushroom farms and for the large mushroom growers. The company is one of the largest producers and suppliers of compost, filter packages and micro-containers and pest protection systems. Also, "Kvity Service" trades the wholesale shipments of mycelium produced by Amycel B.V., Netherlands, one of the leading world firms - mycelium producers. Mycelium is supplied to Ukraine directly from the plant of the producer company. The company also constructs mushroom complexes and sells the equipment for mushroom and compost farms; the enterprise also grows mushrooms for Ukrainian market. Thanks to the complex and professional approach to the mushroom business "Kvity Service" company is able to provide its clients with a full package and consulting support of the best mushroom providing specialists.
"Kvity Service" invites all producers of champignon, oyster mushroom and other edible mushrooms, and also input suppliers and equipment for mushroom production, mushroom processing and trade enterprises to participate in the second international conference "Mushroom Industry-2007". The conference program is developed by the leading specialists of the industry and the international consultants; the agenda is unique in CIS countries. The full coverage of the most urgent issues of the industry, numerous opportunities for communication, the discussions in combination with the trip to a large mushroom farm let all market players feel a significant impact of their participation in this event.
Visit the largest event of the mushroom industry! Register for participation in the conference today!